Youth Foil/Epee at SAS

Y-14 Mixed Épée

Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LI Samuel 2500 2636 136 2500 3182 682
2 DONDISCH Ilan 1874 3053 1179 3755 2385 1370
3 WEGENER Soren 2405 1580 825 1929 1947 18
3 LU Jacob 1930 1921 10 2154 2166 12
5 BEAVER Ava 2447 2495 48 2331 2560 229
6 KRYLTSOV Michael 2500 1803 697 2500 1812 688
7 LU Henry 3027 1614 1413 2500 1758 742
8 SHIFF Jackson 2500 1924 576 2500 1714 786
9 SIA Lovie 2500 1501 999 2500 2079 421
10 BRISENO Karime 1558 1594 36 1886 1708 178
11 ANDRUSHKO Nataly 1276 1646 370 2210 1934 276
12 NETTLETON Lewis 1642 1448 194 2496 2151 345


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.