National Ranking Contributors - DV1MS

Fencing Academy Of Denver

Contributions by event show how the aggregate points were calculated by each competitor.

Name Events Total Points Share Average Points
Wang, Nicolas 5 1,206 56.9% 241.2
Ermakov, Semeon 5 491 23.2% 98.2
Ermakov, Lev 2 350 16.5% 175.0
Freyre De Andrade, Elian 4 73 3.4% 18.2
Mendoza, Christian 1 - - -
Xu, Luke 1 - - -
Chabenat, Guillaume 2 - - -
Fox, Gavin 2 - - -
Houtz, Jackson 2 - - -
Kilari, Krish 5 - - -
TOTAL 29 2,120 100% 73.1