National Ranking Contributors - Y12WS

LA Fencing Academy of Pomona

Contributions by event show how the aggregate points were calculated by each competitor.

Name Events Total Points Share Average Points
Yu, Stella 2 207 26.8% 103.9
Jiang, Evelyn 2 202 26.1% 101.2
Yu, Skylar 2 94 12.2% 47.2
Long, Jessie 2 93 12.0% 46.9
Hwang, Sophie 2 49 6.3% 24.6
Yuen, Nicole 1 48 6.2% 48.0
Hu, Ashley 2 42 5.4% 21.4
Ding, Jolie 1 12 1.6% 12.8
Wu, Daisy 1 12 1.6% 12.0
Long, Chloe 2 9 1.2% 4.7
Chen, Cindy 1 - - -
Fan, Yutong 1 - - -
gong, suri 1 - - -
Wang, April 1 - - -
Fan, Tina 2 - - -
Shi, Maxine 2 - - -
TOTAL 25 772 100% 30.9