Neil Lazar Div1/Div2/Veteran ROC

Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME)

Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 2:00 PM


NYA Sports and Fitness Center - Newtown, CT

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 3351 3493 - 3179
5 - 8 2914 3002 - 2817
9 - 16 2563 2735 - 2387
17 - 32 2136 2523 - 1829
33 - 47 1580 2046 - 1022

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 Zucker, Noah Cobra Fencing Club LLC A24 3467 3170.01
2 Mechkov, Iliya Cavalier Fencing Club A23 3493 3106.64
3 Watrall, Rick New York Athletic Club A23 3265 2902.01
4 Bartlett, Jonathan New York Athletic Club A24 3179 2852.34
5 Pho, Eric Fencers Club Inc. A23 3002 2723.68
6 Greenbaum, Isaac New York Athletic Club B24 2962 2577.82
7 Prihodko, Andrew Vivo Fencing Club B24 2876 2509.97
8 Stewart, Robert Marx Fencing Academy B24 2817 2504.01
9 Mazzoli, Julio Olympia Fencing Center B24 2653 2337.08
10 Springer, Michael LEO Fencing Club A23 2590 2312.50
11 Depommier, Remi Vivo Fencing Club B24 2652 2302.05
12 Harris, Robert Marx Fencing Academy C23 2735 2208.97
13 Bush, Thomas Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club B24 2464 2181.71
14 Neale, James Fencers Club Inc. B23 2474 2149.64
15 Chu, Brandon North Shore Fencers Club B24 2387 2100.77
16 Romero, Javier Fencers Club Inc. B22 2549 2012.68
17 Coetzee, Frans Medeo Fencing Club C23 2301 1982.89
18 Spahn, Jeff The Phoenix Center B23 2271 1958.96
19 Schicker, Glenn D22 2523 1882.35
20 Marini, Davide LEO Fencing Club C22 2301 1857.20
21 Parte, Aidan Marx Fencing Academy E23 2193 1765.22
22 Nemazie, David Salisbury Fencing Club B21 2194 1749.64
23 Belliveau, Shane Sword In The Scroll Fencing Academy B22 2198 1735.77
24 Hekmat, Sina Rogue Fencing Academy C22 2073 1697.62
25 Rouse, Joseph Rogue Fencing Academy B23 1980 1696.66
26 Miles, Ronald Rogue Fencing Academy C24 2039 1558.68
27 Santos, Felipe LEO Fencing Club C21 1855 1502.63
28 Pierro, Roger Fencers Club Inc. D22 1946 1500.05
29 Ward, Carrington Shoreline Fencers Club E23 1996 1462.47
30 Melcher, Charles Portland Fencing Center E23 1829 1409.52
31 Zebuth, Christopher Mission Fencing Center C22 2187 1340.04
32 Sciacca, Nicholas Medeo Fencing Club C24 2285 1333.62
33 Gao, "George" Xiaojiang Cavalier Fencing Club D24 1694 1331.87
34 Whitelock, James Rogue Fencing Academy E23 1757 1330.03
35 Mastronardi, Joseph Worcester Fencing Club U 2046 1288.71
36 Ruggles, William Upper Valley Fencing Club C22 1694 1035.78
37 Lunievicz, Joseph Fencers Club Inc. E23 1571 804.22
38 Frolich, Grant Rogue Fencing Academy U 1690 761.09
39 Liu, Kun Rogue Fencing Academy U 1498 703.07
40 Labrecque, Gary Twin Tiers Fencing Club U 2006 629.01
41 Buisine, Sebastien Rogue Fencing Academy E23 1337 595.85
42 Tardiff, Seth Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Connecticut) U 1305 581.52
43 Chiang, Andrew New York Fencing Academy U 1696 499.86
44 Rifkind, Neil Fencers Club Inc. U 1022 297.73
45 CHEN, Mao Long Rockland Fencers Club U 1203 275.83
46 Wu, Pingchien New York Fencing Academy U 1442 < 0
47 Bergel, Paul U 1742 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!