Escrime d'Halloween RYC/RJC & DV2 ROC

Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF)

Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM


The Edge - Twinsburg, OH

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2215 2358 - 2020
5 - 8 1892 1991 - 1817
9 - 16 1646 1845 - 1524
17 - 28 1233 1516 - 612

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 Mummaneni, Samyuta Renaissance Fencing Club C24 2350 2092.65
2 Lee, Fiona Bluegrass Fencers' Club B24 2358 2052.66
3 Han, Katherine Renaissance Fencing Club D24 2131 1858.87
4 Zoldan, Gweniveve RedStar Fencing Club Chicago D24 2020 1759.96
5 Lichtensteiger, Megan Columbus Fencing And Fitness LLC D24 1991 1730.81
6 Horowitz, Shuli RedStar Fencing Club Chicago D24 1817 1560.09
7 Gandluri, Sreehitha Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. D22 1843 1536.56
8 Adler, Zoe Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy U 1919 1523.26
9 Dirkes, Catherine Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy D24 1845 1489.10
10 Harris, Parker Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy D24 1735 1394.52
11 Stone, Sydney Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy E24 1691 1345.10
12 Samala, Reese Cleveland Fencing Academy East LLC E24 1651 1318.13
13 Taylor-Osborn, Nadia Cleveland Fencing Academy East LLC D24 1606 1236.16
14 Koscik-Aquino, Emily Cleveland Fencing Academy East LLC U 1524 1195.13
15 Lyon, Claire Corsair Fencing School E24 1570 1147.84
16 Khan, Leena Escrime Du Lac U 1548 1136.49
17 Lemasters, Elise Columbus Fencing And Fitness LLC U 1502 1087.00
18 Latifi, Fara Cleveland Fencing Academy East LLC E24 1516 1071.66
19 Hannah, Abigail Columbus Fencing And Fitness LLC U 1417 1013.85
20 Malvestuto, Evelyn Cleveland State Univ. NCAA U 1487 997.52
21 Levy, Gabrielle RedStar Fencing Club Chicago E23 1349 967.97
22 Dinh, May Bluegrass Fencers' Club U 1281 821.27
23 Zoldan, Nolabelle RedStar Fencing Club Chicago U 1087 681.87
24 Paranjape, Ojasvi Queen City Fencers Club LLC U 1009 566.91
25 Yu, Angela Renaissance Fencing Club U 1263 530.70
26 Xiong, Isabel Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy E24 1155 511.01
27 Maeda, Hotsumi Bluegrass Fencers' Club U 1117 299.74
28 Vins, Katherine Cleveland Fencing Academy East LLC U 612 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!