Fortune SYC/RJCC & Y8

Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME)

Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 8:00 AM


Ontario Convention Center - Ontario, CA

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2236 2322 - 2108
5 - 8 2074 2136 - 1986
9 - 16 2050 3115 - 1842
17 - 32 1798 1961 - 1681
33 - 64 1626 2111 - 1456
65 - 118 1362 2500 - 558

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 Du, Evan LA International Fencing C25 2322 2063.85
2 Parke, Nathaniel TeamK Fencing D24 2276 1999.46
3 Xue, Michael LA International Fencing D25 2240 1984.77
4 Eng, Kyler LA International Fencing U 2108 1841.39
5 Wu, MiEr Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. E25 2136 1841.26
6 Fu, Nolan Swords Fencing Studio U 2081 1822.42
7 Tang, Michael Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) E25 2092 1811.69
8 Mosley, Wally TeamK Fencing D24 1986 1720.77
9 Wu, Nathan Swords Fencing Studio E24 1972 1719.36
10 Hancock, Bryce EWA Fencing LLC U 3115 1684.80
11 Wong, Kyle Fortune Fencing U 1906 1633.67
12 Roberts, Arthur Alliance Fencing Academy U 1879 1626.63
13 Lee, Lucas Yang Fencing Club U 1897 1619.08
14 Rong, Marcus Swords Fencing Studio U 1884 1617.75
15 Wong, Aaron Bayside Fencing Club U 1903 1586.41
16 Wang, Lucas Swords Fencing Studio U 1842 1582.41
17 Zhang, Chaoyi(Joey) Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1911 1578.67
18 White, Ryden Beverly Hills Fencers' Club E25 1961 1568.36
19 Yao, Tristan True Focus Sports Academy U 1818 1562.20
20 Li, Stephen LA International Fencing U 1817 1548.90
21 Lu, Ian Kaizen Academy LLC U 1813 1530.97
22 Ding, Max Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1775 1519.69
23 Kim, Evan Battle Born Fencing Club U 1762 1476.19
24 Chen, Aiden Swords Fencing Studio U 1737 1474.94
25 Hwang, Matthew Fortune Fencing U 1785 1468.12
26 Yoo, Lucas TeamK Fencing U 1764 1463.34
27 Khushraj, Rohan Bayside Fencing Club U 1718 1454.42
28 Leung, Joon Maximum Fencing Club U 1839 1443.15
29 Wong, Alexander LA International Fencing U 1711 1432.02
30 Schipper, Johann Davis Fencing Academy U 1799 1419.15
31 Parra, Lucas Fortune Fencing U 1872 1416.46
32 Sun, Jiarui (Jerry) Yang Fencing Club U 1681 1401.16
33 Borovikov, Alexander Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1742 1396.47
34 Lee, Leo Alliance Fencing Academy U 1799 1390.24
35 Krotz, Nicolas Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) E25 1723 1388.11
36 Kim, Daniel Yang Fencing Club U 2111 1377.35
37 Hua, Nolan Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1638 1362.80
38 Ma, Nolan Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1680 1362.37
39 Yi, Alexander Fortune Fencing U 1620 1336.47
40 Liu, Aiden Swords Fencing Studio U 1644 1332.38
41 Liu, Daniel Bayside Fencing Club U 1723 1332.03
42 Liu, Yihong Yang Fencing Club U 1618 1329.31
43 Lin, Bryan Fortune Fencing U 1666 1318.54
44 Shourie, Seth LA International Fencing U 1656 1306.50
45 Chen, Christopher Rain City Fencing Center U 1641 1299.23
46 Srinivasan, Sanat Ram Kaizen Academy LLC U 1569 1268.31
47 Wang, Juehan Rain City Fencing Center U 1642 1261.23
48 Lin, Daniel Davis Fencing Academy U 1563 1255.12
49 Liu, Xuyao Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1536 1248.37
50 Fu, Benjamin Yang Fencing Club U 1558 1242.78
51 Li, Vance Yang Fencing Club U 1649 1224.57
52 Shourie, Neel LA International Fencing U 1558 1212.14
53 Yu, Brandon Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1504 1207.17
54 Duchnowski, Thiesson Windy City Fencing-Chicago U 1655 1187.42
55 Ju, Shang Bayside Fencing Club U 1511 1180.53
56 Ren, Mark Maximum Fencing Club U 1551 1178.66
57 Guo, Jonathan LA International Fencing U 1501 1163.40
58 Chu, Clayton TeamK Fencing U 1512 1160.32
59 Kim, Leejay Alliance Fencing Academy U 1648 1158.66
60 Wang, Suian (Andy) U 1747 1139.39
61 Wang, Ryan Battle Born Fencing Club U 1526 1120.59
62 ZHANG, JENSON Fortune Fencing U 1456 1114.44
63 Lin, Logan Maximum Fencing Club U 1603 1104.85
64 Bush, Andrew Team Touche Fencing Center U 1480 1093.39
65 Teng, Eric LA International Fencing U 1451 1082.81
66 Zeng, Yulin Fortune Fencing U 1832 1064.61
67 Zhao, Luke Swords Fencing Studio U 1392 1042.79
68 Chi, Zachary Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1328 989.69
69 Yoon, Ian LA International Fencing U 1392 969.55
70 Li, Connor Team Touche Fencing Center U 1356 967.24
71 Park, Sihoon Fortune Fencing U 1313 958.81
72 Yang, Orsen Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1539 950.07
73 Yu, Haoyun Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1315 939.99
74 Tian, Dylan Yang Fencing Club U 1289 906.51
75 Li, Ethan Team Touche Fencing Center U 1288 903.54
76 Yu, Rex Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 2131 833.03
77 Mazaheri, Theodore Bluegrass Fencers' Club U 1188 798.45
78 Won, Jacob TeamK Fencing U 1175 769.92
79 Si, Alexander Swords Fencing Studio U 1314 757.36
80 Li, Jacob Kaizen Academy LLC U 1176 710.47
81 yang, Rony LA International Fencing U 1115 699.70
82 Ong, David Beverly Hills Fencers' Club U 1731 699.44
83 Kim, Benjamin LA International Fencing U 1197 692.87
84 Demirchian, Edward LA International Fencing U 1343 658.43
85 Abd Allah, Hamza U 1273 634.92
86 Lo, Stefan Bayside Fencing Club U 1123 626.23
87 Taverna, Matteo Fortune Fencing U 1484 622.15
88 Gan, Samuel Schoolhouse Fencing U 1081 573.50
89 Abraham, Aaron Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1108 571.45
90 Lee, Connor Fortune Fencing U 1065 535.30
91 Yun, Nicholas TeamK Fencing U 1225 407.04
92 Nolan, Morgan Battle Born Fencing Club U 1210 394.88
93 Liu, Zihao Fortune Fencing U 1034 365.29
94 Zhang, Zhihan Yang Fencing Club U 1155 353.90
95 Lau, Jesse Team Touche Fencing Center U 1099 341.28
96 Lee, Daniel TeamK Fencing U 863 326.71
97 Zhang, William Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1015 316.31
98 Yun, Mason TeamK Fencing U 1169 308.70
99 Zhao, Jonathan Li Yang Fencing Club U 917 295.79
100 Curtiss, Cameron Cobra Fencing Club LLC U 1021 277.66
101 Lau, Caleb Team Touche Fencing Center U 995 232.57
102 Kong, Dean Fortune Fencing U 1846 220.39
103 Kou, Logan Beverly Hills Fencers' Club U 804 191.12
104 Chan, Joseph Olympic Epee Masters U 919 64.37
105 Fong, Ethan Swords Fencing Studio U 965 13.67
106 Purcell, Jonathan Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 2500 < 0
107 Ferring, Theo Cardinal Fencing Club U 2500 < 0
108 Cardon, Hinckley Las Vegas Fencing Academy U 2500 < 0
109 Huynh, Ethan Fortune Fencing U 2500 < 0
110 Wang, Hansen U 2500 < 0
111 Hailu, Noah Beverly Hills Fencers' Club U 1695 < 0
112 Kim, Christian Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 558 < 0
113 Kong, William Battle Born Fencing Club U 1611 < 0
114 Chen, Anderson U 1607 < 0
115 Lee, Zeo TeamK Fencing U 602 < 0
116 Guo, Zihe Yang Fencing Club U 1851 < 0
117 Hung, Ludwig Fortune Fencing U 603 < 0
118 McEwen, Max Beverly Hills Fencers' Club U 1298 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!