South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF)

Monday, January 20, 2025 at 8:00 AM


Intercontinental - Los Angeles Hotel - Los Angeles, CA

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2966 3208 - 2850
5 - 8 2712 2817 - 2617
9 - 16 2467 2601 - 2376
17 - 32 2306 2793 - 2107
33 - 64 1764 2228 - 1244
65 - 68 1350 1380 - 1298

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 Lin, Youlong LA International Fencing A24 3208 2929.01
2 Martin, Elmer LA International Fencing B23 2877 2622.00
3 Lin, Xilong LA International Fencing A24 2927 2618.22
4 Nguyen, Martin LA International Fencing A24 2850 2597.73
5 Nicoletti, Luca Silicon Valley Fencing Center B24 2817 2560.02
6 Choi, Ethan Golubitsky Fencing Center A24 2721 2459.63
7 Derrick, Blake Silicon Valley Fencing Center B24 2694 2441.03
8 Yi, William LA International Fencing B24 2617 2364.07
9 Chen, Matthew Elite Fencing Club A24 2601 2347.31
10 Park, Sky LA International Fencing B24 2506 2248.95
11 Lozano, Veyron Jericho LA International Fencing C24 2481 2226.69
12 Pons, Diego SoCAL Fencing Center C24 2483 2219.26
13 Chang, Jonathan Silicon Valley Fencing Center B24 2462 2210.98
14 Kettelle, John Massialas Foundation (M Team) C24 2431 2159.00
15 LI, Matthew Massialas Foundation (M Team) C24 2396 2130.32
16 Zhang, Jacob Precision Athletics Fencing Club B24 2376 2120.95
17 Le, Jacob Golubitsky Fencing Center A24 2371 2115.22
18 Kim, Aiden LA International Fencing C24 2375 2114.14
19 Pincheng, Yao Team Touche Fencing Center C24 2351 2092.42
20 Qiu, Zhaocheng Massialas Foundation (M Team) A24 2372 2087.22
21 Smith, Grant Massialas Foundation (M Team) C24 2323 2056.64
22 Chong, Tristan D24 2341 2047.31
23 Park, Steve (Sangmin) Golubitsky Fencing Center C24 2303 2044.67
24 Liu, William Golden State Fencing Academy C24 2297 2044.03
25 Zhou, Ryan Silicon Valley Fencing Center C24 2279 2022.05
26 Bieler, Mason LA International Fencing C24 2238 1984.15
27 Wong, Evan Prime Fencing Academy C24 2229 1966.20
28 Choi, Ethan Precision Athletics Fencing Club C24 2195 1940.68
29 Coste, Fabien Elite Fencing Club C24 2793 1907.60
30 Bae, Eugene Precision Athletics Fencing Club C24 2164 1891.54
31 Borg, Matthew Team Touche Fencing Center E25 2150 1887.70
32 Chang, Eric Jonathan Orange County International Fencers Club E24 2107 1857.25
33 Mak, Collin Chun Shing V Fencing Club D23 2228 1777.03
34 Ong, Nicholas Elite International Fencers Club E24 2035 1776.63
35 Schieneman, Valentine LA International Fencing C24 2045 1756.77
36 Li, Daniel Team Touche Fencing Center D24 2018 1720.09
37 Chan, Joseph Massialas Foundation (M Team) E24 1973 1711.75
38 Pe, Noah Team Touche Fencing Center D24 1991 1705.62
39 Wei, Winston Massialas Foundation (M Team) E24 1875 1607.39
40 Ling, Carson Jr LA International Fencing D24 1883 1585.65
41 Tsoi, Spencer Precision Athletics Fencing Club C24 1871 1584.47
42 Chang, Nathan Elite Fencing Club D24 1895 1579.80
43 Chen, Fengyi(James) E24 2086 1578.99
44 Zhan, Kevin Golubitsky Fencing Center D24 1868 1564.07
45 Ornelas, Matteo Elite Fencing Club D24 1869 1557.94
46 Flanagan, Miles Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) D24 1846 1556.37
47 Huang, Nathan SoCAL Fencing Center U 1716 1442.07
48 chen, kenneth Team Touche Fencing Center U 1696 1413.35
49 Kim, Jonah Elite Fencing Club D24 1704 1400.91
50 Foy, Grant Elite Fencing Club E24 1681 1384.85
51 Wong, Braxton Massialas Foundation (M Team) E24 1717 1380.28
52 McCarvill, Cooper Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) E24 1732 1294.39
53 Lo, Ernest Prime Fencing Academy U 1629 1245.34
54 Pound, Michael Team Touche Fencing Center E22 1750 1241.69
55 Chen, Owen Prime Fencing Academy U 1595 1238.36
56 Young, Luke LA International Fencing U 1678 1167.42
57 Karpman, Benny Elite Fencing Club U 1600 1146.10
58 Petraitis, Matteus Points West Fencing Club E24 1970 1120.64
59 Smith, Jeremiah Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) U 1556 1116.03
60 Pontoppidan, Erik Elite Fencing Club U 1431 1038.92
61 Lee, Christopher Elite International Fencers Club E24 1355 987.96
62 Turner, Finian Swordplay LA U 1477 925.70
63 Kulkarni, Karan Prime Fencing Academy E24 1433 855.28
64 Trujillo, Jonah United Fencing Academy U 1244 812.76
65 Burlingame, Owen Prime Fencing Academy U 1298 639.06
66 Colligan, Apollo Swordplay LA U 1342 588.80
67 Marshall, Kyler Team Touche Fencing Center U 1380 512.79
68 Maligaya, Gabriel Halberstadt Fencers' Club U 1378 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!