BBFC Duel in the Desert SYC, RCC & Y8

Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE)

Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 1:00 PM


Rio Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2199 2269 - 2098
5 - 8 2062 2137 - 1984
9 - 16 1918 2039 - 1843
17 - 32 1673 1898 - 1495
33 - 56 1306 2500 - 637

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 He, Anna Yang Fencing Club C25 2269 2011.31
2 Fu, Shannon LA International Fencing C24 2238 1978.24
3 Dymar, Anna Maximum Fencing Club D24 2190 1905.16
4 Vijay, Vaishnavi Maximum Fencing Club E24 2098 1841.08
5 Ramey, Alexa Dragon Heart Fencing D24 2137 1837.28
6 Chi, Zoe Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) C24 2093 1829.81
7 Kou, Cynthia Yang Fencing Club U 2035 1770.02
8 Arulkumar, Lashia Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) D24 1984 1716.44
9 Gofman, Anastasia North Shore Fencers Club U 2039 1682.49
10 Mokretsov, Leah New York Fencing Academy D24 1967 1673.48
11 Cayetano, Audrey Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1942 1652.51
12 Wang, Chantal Kaizen Academy LLC C24 1909 1611.11
13 Yu, Chloe True Focus Sports Academy D24 1864 1606.60
14 Burks, Madison Northern Colorado Fencers U 1914 1593.84
15 Chen, Julia Maximum Fencing Club U 1843 1570.62
16 Du, Chloe E24 1869 1546.39
17 Arnold, Evangeline Swords Fencing Studio U 1838 1544.58
18 Park, Rena Team Touche Fencing Center U 1898 1490.22
19 Li, Carlie Fortune Fencing E24 1749 1449.91
20 Chen, Stephanie Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1776 1449.60
21 Yip, Allison Fortune Fencing U 1792 1423.73
22 Sun, Milly Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1730 1385.43
23 Chong, Emma TeamK Fencing U 1657 1361.45
24 Flynn, Kensington San Diego Fencing Center U 1663 1356.70
25 DeJoy, Leilah Team Touche Fencing Center U 1723 1343.03
26 Sun, Joanna Yang Fencing Club U 1662 1309.35
27 Xu, Mulan Cavalier Fencing Club U 1578 1290.78
28 Wang, Hailie Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. U 1586 1208.53
29 Law, Mila Arena Fencing Academy LLC U 1592 1193.02
30 Miao, Anthea Yang Fencing Club E25 1520 1169.07
31 Yang, Nina Yang Fencing Club U 1495 1124.61
32 cho, Anya Battle Born Fencing Club U 1506 1103.88
33 He, Elsa Yang Fencing Club U 1428 1089.42
34 Wang, Phoebe Yang Fencing Club U 1470 1067.48
35 Voo, Evelyn Yang Fencing Club U 1473 1066.66
36 Kwak, Olivia Fortune Fencing U 1426 1065.24
37 Du, Chelsea U 1446 1056.11
38 Groth, Lillian Ace Fencing Academy U 1379 943.34
39 Yoon, Claire LA International Fencing U 1334 874.12
40 Ren, Harper Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1455 849.50
41 Liu, Emma Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1463 829.20
42 Kushnerenko, Maiia Las Vegas Fencing Academy U 1543 809.64
43 Gurtin, Aleksandra New York Fencing Academy U 1462 770.70
44 Parke, Jaime TeamK Fencing U 1165 655.44
45 Kim, Toni Battle Born Fencing Club U 1328 655.21
46 Li, Celine Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) U 1183 646.66
47 Khouri, Sara Beverly Hills Fencers' Club U 1525 510.79
48 Li, Katherine Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. U 1386 408.29
49 Tumula, Anima Pegasus Sword Academy Inc. U 1009 391.11
50 Chin, Riley Austin Fencers Club U 1181 381.88
51 Chu, Brianna Team Touche Fencing Center U 1025 107.31
52 Chen, Aimee Edmonton Fencing Club U 2500 < 0
53 Jiang, Terra U 1036 < 0
54 Lee, Layla Battle Born Fencing Club U 749 < 0
55 Hu, Avery Pegasus Sword Academy Inc. U 637 < 0
56 Kim, Kailyn Maximum Fencing Club U 729 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!