The Fencing Center Winter RJCC

Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF)

Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 8:00 AM


The Fencing Center - San Jose, CA

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2503 2683 - 2387
5 - 8 2262 2315 - 2203
9 - 16 2140 2184 - 2092
17 - 32 1899 2147 - 1689
33 - 59 1482 1815 - 939

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 Zhang, Aaron LA International Fencing A24 2683 2430.17
2 Pons, Diego SoCAL Fencing Center C24 2483 2219.26
3 Chang, Jonathan Silicon Valley Fencing Center B24 2458 2207.78
4 Qiu, Zhaocheng Massialas Foundation (M Team) A24 2387 2097.32
5 Wu, Lucas Bay Area Fencing Club C23 2315 2062.59
6 Li, Richard Silicon Valley Fencing Center C24 2305 2050.95
7 Wong, Evan Prime Fencing Academy C24 2226 1963.83
8 Zhou, Shawn LA International Fencing E24 2203 1937.74
9 Yang, Charles Silicon Valley Fencing Center C24 2175 1924.89
10 Lam, Nicolas Bay Area Fencing Club D24 2184 1919.82
11 Park, Andrew Silicon Valley Fencing Center D24 2153 1899.05
12 Borg, Matthew Team Touche Fencing Center C25 2150 1887.70
13 Sisinni, Leonardo Silicon Valley Fencing Center C24 2148 1877.20
14 Gordon, William Bay Area Fencing Club C24 2120 1857.41
15 Clark, Benjamin Space City Fencing Academy C24 2092 1814.32
16 Yee, Colin Prime Fencing Academy U 2096 1801.29
17 Wang, Elijah (QiChen) LA International Fencing D25 2036 1775.26
18 Tsay, Jordan Silicon Valley Fencing Center C24 2030 1775.15
19 Ong, Nicholas Elite International Fencers Club E25 2023 1763.93
20 Yang, Steve Silicon Valley Fencing Center U 1995 1739.47
21 Chan, Joseph Massialas Foundation (M Team) E24 1978 1716.54
22 Bi, Ryan D24 2147 1689.86
23 Yue, Jackson Silicon Valley Fencing Center C24 1945 1685.81
24 Ganapathi, Eshan Prime Fencing Academy U 1955 1674.20
25 Zhan, Kevin Golubitsky Fencing Center D24 1868 1564.07
26 Agrawal, Niki Silicon Valley Fencing Center E23 1812 1536.86
27 He, Ian Silicon Valley Fencing Center U 1785 1524.90
28 Holliday, Christopher Mansfield-Scott RedStar Fencing Club Chicago D24 1856 1517.17
29 Nishihira, Tyler Bay Area Fencing Club E24 1799 1514.12
30 Slain, Owen Silicon Valley Fencing Center U 1758 1497.78
31 Maniktala, Suvir Silicon Valley Fencing Center E24 1689 1419.05
32 Zhang, Jayden Bay Area Fencing Club E24 1710 1414.48
33 Kim, Jonah Elite Fencing Club D24 1709 1406.10
34 Lehtinen, Axel The Fencing Center E24 1708 1384.54
35 Douglass, Liam Prime Fencing Academy E24 1815 1384.06
36 Wong, Braxton Massialas Foundation (M Team) E24 1721 1383.48
37 Petrov, Mikhail Maximum Fencing Club E24 1643 1338.01
38 Luk, Trusten Golden State Fencing Academy E24 1759 1329.24
39 Zhang, Andrew Bay Area Fencing Club U 1625 1287.16
40 Lo, Ernest Prime Fencing Academy U 1631 1247.09
41 Andrade, Cedric Bay Area Fencing Club E24 1589 1239.56
42 Bhardwaj, Ranbir Maximum Fencing Club U 1578 1224.10
43 Liu, Yuxuan Marin Fencing Academy LLC E23 1723 1199.41
44 Karpman, Benny Elite Fencing Club U 1600 1146.10
45 Bhanot, Arjun Bay Area Fencing Club E24 1475 1123.06
46 Agarwal, Savya Prime Fencing Academy E24 1730 1086.14
47 He, Bourne Silicon Valley Fencing Center U 1399 1075.66
48 Williams, Matthew Prime Fencing Academy U 1624 1055.63
49 Lee, Christopher Elite International Fencers Club E24 1358 990.20
50 Seigel, Duncan Gladiators Inc Fencing Club D23 1397 893.43
51 Leong, Wilson Hua Golden State Fencing Academy U 1215 741.00
52 Arcara, Evan Bay Area Fencing Club E24 1231 716.37
53 Burlingame, Owen Prime Fencing Academy U 1298 639.06
54 Griner, Kevin D24 1406 551.47
55 Shu, Eric Bay Area Fencing Club U 1001 454.58
56 Boynton, Alex Journeys Fencing Club E24 939 336.71
57 Lee, Linus Prime Fencing Academy U 1584 326.17
58 Hernandez, Jonathan Prime Fencing Academy U 1158 < 0
59 Nguyen, Ethan Team Touche Fencing Center U 1105 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!