Seattle International Veteran's Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 7 2025-02-22
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 24 2025-02-23

Junior Olympics & Div 1 NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 388 2025-02-14
Liu, Bianca Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 271 2025-02-14
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 338 2025-02-15
Slattery, Kaden Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 267 2025-02-16
Flynn, Oliver Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 304 2025-02-16
Liu, Bianca Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 224 2025-02-17

The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC (VET/D1A/DV2/) & TEAM

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bocksnick, John Robert Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 12 2024-12-14
Hauschild, Carson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 13 2024-12-14
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 3 2024-12-14
Green, Leo Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 30 2024-12-14
Bohler-Park, Henry Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 32 2024-12-14
Bailey, Roger Division II Men’s Saber (DV2MS) 14 2024-12-14
Collette, Tobias Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 14 2024-12-15
Scalea, Aston Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 6 2024-12-15
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 16 2024-12-15
Stockton, J. DeVeaux Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 19 2024-12-15
Laposta, Zoey Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2024-12-15
Bocksnick, John Robert Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 12 2024-12-15
Bober, Alexander Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 14 2024-12-15
Hauschild, Carson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 15 2024-12-15
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 14 2024-12-16

December SJCC + Para NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Slattery, Kaden Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 206 2024-12-06


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 3 2024-11-17
Bober, Alexander Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 22 2024-11-17
Bohler-Park, Henry Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 46 2024-11-17
Flynn, Oliver Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 22 2024-11-16
Fauerbach, James Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 23 2024-11-16
Shuler, Alden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 33 2024-11-16
Hueske, David Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 21 2024-11-16
Mones, Robert Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 22 2024-11-16
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 3 2024-11-16
Hueske, David Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 5 2024-11-17
Mones, Robert Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 8 2024-11-17
Stockton, J. DeVeaux Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 11 2024-11-17
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 10 2024-11-16
Smith, Calvin Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 13 2024-11-17
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 30 2024-11-16
Laposta, Zoey Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 14 2024-11-17
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 8 2024-11-17
Shuler, Alden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2024-11-17
Flynn, Oliver Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 27 2024-11-17
Fauerbach, James Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 30 2024-11-17
Miles, Greyson Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 33 2024-11-16
Bober, Alexander Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 35 2024-11-16
Fauerbach, James Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 41 2024-11-16
Flynn, Oliver Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 44 2024-11-16
Shuler, Alden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 45 2024-11-16

WFencing Cleveland Rocks RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 3 2024-11-02
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 11 2024-11-03

Peachtree RYC/RJCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Laposta, Zoey Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 13 2024-10-12
Slattery, Kaden Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 36 2024-10-12

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 121 2024-10-06

2024 Bull City Y8 RYC/RJC Tournament

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 7 2024-09-28
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 22 2024-09-29
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 23 2024-09-29

Trick or Retreat ROC/RJCC/RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 43 2024-08-17
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 34 2024-08-18
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 36 2024-08-18

National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Stockton, J. DeVeaux Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 60 2024-07-02
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 311 2024-07-04
Sturdy, Genevieve Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 250 2024-07-05
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 142 2024-07-06
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 215 2024-07-07
Miles, Greyson Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 109 2024-07-08

Seattle International Veterans Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 7 2024-02-24
Hueske, David Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 14 2024-02-24
Mones, Robert Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 17 2024-02-24
Mones, Robert Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 16 2024-02-25
Hueske, David Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 18 2024-02-25
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 28 2024-02-25

Junior Olympics

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 337 2024-02-16
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 314 2024-02-17
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 334 2024-02-17
Slattery, Kaden Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 305 2024-02-18
Bocksnick, John Robert Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 229 2024-02-19
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 284 2024-02-19

Battle At The Beach 2 RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2024-02-10

Apex Challenge RYC - Foil & Epee

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2024-02-03
Smith, Calvin Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 12 2024-02-03

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran 60-69 Women’s Epee (V60WE) 23 2024-01-05
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran 60-69 Women’s Foil (V60WF) 7 E24 2024-01-06
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 23 2024-01-07


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 30 2023-12-16
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 31 2023-12-16
Bocksnick, John Robert Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 38 2023-12-16
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 53 2023-12-17
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 8 2023-12-18
Fauerbach, James Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 19 2023-12-18
MacLeod, Zion Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 46 2023-12-18
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 3 2023-12-17
Stockton, J. DeVeaux Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 14 2023-12-17
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 11 2023-12-17
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 16 2023-12-17
Bocksnick, John Robert Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 21 2023-12-17
Fauerbach, James Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 25 2023-12-17
Lausi, Maxime Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 7 2023-12-16
Scalea, Aston Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 11 2023-12-16
Collette, Tobias Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 8 2023-12-18
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2023-12-16

American Challenge South ROC(D1A, DV2, VET), RJCC, RYC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 22 2023-11-04
Flynn, Oliver Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 26 2023-11-04
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 7 2023-11-04
Lausi, Maxime Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 12 2023-11-05
Scalea, Aston Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 14 2023-11-05
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 2 2023-11-04
Miller, Jonathan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 18 2023-11-04
Dube, Ian Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 21 2023-11-04
Ailstock, Charlie Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 35 2023-11-04
Flynn, Oliver Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 20 2023-11-05
Stockton, J. DeVeaux Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 8 2023-11-05
Bohler-Park, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 17 2023-11-05
Miles, Greyson Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 15 2023-11-04
Ailstock, Charlie Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 49 2023-11-04
Collette, Tobias Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 15 2023-11-04
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 27 2023-11-05
Flynn, Oliver Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 32 2023-11-05
Fauerbach, James Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 33 2023-11-05
Lausi, Maxime Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 2 2023-11-04
Miller, Jonathan Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 10 2023-11-05
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 14 2023-11-05
Fauerbach, James Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 17 2023-11-05

Forge Fencing Veteran ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 11 2023-09-16
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 9 2023-09-17

National Championships & July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran 60-69 Women’s Epee (V60WE) 27 2023-07-02
Mones, Robert Veteran 60-69 Men’s Epee (V60ME) 54 2023-07-03
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran 60-69 Women’s Foil (V60WF) 14 2023-07-04
Miles, Greyson Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 197 2023-07-06
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 211 2023-07-08

The Infinity Cup RYC/RJCC/DV2 & Non-Regional D1A

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 11 2023-04-01
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 12 2023-04-02
Lausi, Maxime Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 18 2023-04-02
Mones, Nicolas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 19 2023-04-02
Twigg, Iain Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 13 2023-04-02
Brunelli, Alessandra Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 17 2023-04-01
Brunelli, Alessandra Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 19 2023-04-02

Seattle International Veterans Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 3 2023-02-25
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 11 2023-02-26

Junior Olympics

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 251 2023-02-17
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 312 2023-02-17
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 268 2023-02-18
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 255 2023-02-19
Nelson, Cole Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 274 2023-02-19
Nelson, Cole Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 302 2023-02-20

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran 60-69 Women’s Epee (V60WE) 28 2023-01-07
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran 60-69 Women’s Foil (V60WF) 17 2023-01-08
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 29 2023-01-09
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 63 2023-01-06
Hueske, David Veteran 50-59 Men’s Epee (V50ME) 39 2023-01-06
Mones, Robert Veteran 60-69 Men’s Epee (V60ME) 43 2023-01-06

The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC (D1A/DV2/VET) & Non-Regional Team

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nelson, Cole Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 20 2022-12-16
Fauerbach, James Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 22 2022-12-16
Brunelli, Alessandra Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 22 2022-12-16
Mones, Robert Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 16 2022-12-17
Lausi, Patrick Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 14 2022-12-17
Hauschild, Carson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 23 2022-12-17
Miller, Jonathan Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 32 2022-12-17
Bocksnick, John Robert Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 39 2022-12-17
Nelson, Cole Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 47 2022-12-17
Miles, Greyson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 24 2022-12-17
Hauschild, Carson Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 32 2022-12-17
Bocksnick, John Robert Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 36 2022-12-17
Bocksnick, Benjamin Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 13 2022-12-17
Bocksnick, Hans Division II Men’s Saber (DV2MS) 26 2022-12-17
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 37 2022-12-18
Bocksnick, John Robert Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 38 2022-12-18
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 50 2022-12-18
Mones, Robert Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 15 2022-12-18
Dube, Ian Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 10 2022-12-18
Decker, Carlton Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 44 2022-12-18
Lausi, Patrick Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 16 2022-12-16
Lausi, Maxime Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 8 2022-12-16
Nelson, Cole Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 23 2022-12-16
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 13 2022-12-17
Brunelli, Alessandra Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 3 2022-12-18

USA Fencing National Championships & July Challenge

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bocksnick, John Robert Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 165 2022-07-08
Miles, Greyson Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 241 2022-07-09
Bocksnick, John Robert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 255 2022-07-09
Bocksnick, John Robert Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 178 2022-07-10
Miles, Greyson Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 190 2022-07-10

Fairfax Challenge SYC/RJCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miles, Greyson Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 82 2022-05-15
Miles, Greyson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 42 2022-05-14

Division I and Parafencing Nat'l Championships & April NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 144 2022-04-23
Lausi, Patrick Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 78 2022-04-24
Miller, Jonathan Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 125 2022-04-24
Mones, Robert Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 131 2022-04-24

Cherry Blossom ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lausi, Patrick Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 26 2022-04-02

The Southern RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 59 2021-12-18
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 49 2021-12-19
Hauschild, Carson Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 39 2021-12-18
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 48 2021-12-18
Nelson, Cole Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 35 2021-12-18
Nelson, Cole Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2021-12-19
Nelson, Cole Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 22 2021-12-18

June NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 166 2021-06-06

Arsenal Spring Challenge RYC/RJCC/ROC & VET Reg Opens 2/8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 14 2021-05-24

The Infinity Cup by The Cordele Athletic Club Reg Opens 2/1

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 16 2021-04-23
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 15 2021-04-25

Fairfax Challenge Spring RJCC/RYC Reg Opens 12/1

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 54 2021-03-27
Miller, Jonathan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 51 2021-03-28