Adrenalina Super Cup #2

Div III Mixed Foil

Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Indoor Soccer Pro - Miami, FL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LORENZO Alejandro 2168 2159 9 2457 2475 19
2 ROMERO Sophia 2097 2119 22 2772 2705 67
3 RODRIGUEZ Lazaro S. 1773 1802 28 2092 2077 15
3 WU Anthony 2187 2496 309 2500 2714 214
5 RODRIGUEZ Akemi 1967 1994 28 1818 1807 12
6 ALVAREZ Adrian Alejandro 1800 1810 10 1550 1539 12
7 STORER Alex 2070 2022 47 3041 2749 292
8 MONSALVE Ainara 2223 2180 43 2286 2396 109
9 CATARI Pahola 2250 2229 21 2639 2538 102
10 HERNANDEZ Melany 1437 1417 20 1711 1641 69
11 CONTIGUGLIA-AKCAN Dorothy 2212 1919 293 1736 1671 65
12 CHEN Gavin 2500 1453 1047 2500 1942 558


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.