SAS Unrated Epee & Foil

Unrated Mixed Épée

Friday, July 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KANIA Robert 1283 1423 141 1553 2021 468
2 KIM Teo 1652 1734 81 1662 1943 281
3 CARREIRO Maxwell 2500 2161 339 2500 2034 466
3 LORD Patrick 2500 2160 340 2500 2289 211
5 OLSON Kevin 2033 2020 13 2268 2080 189
6 WU Alistair 3009 1998 1011 3009 2633 376
7 POEHLMANN Ulrich 1542 1519 23 1523 1543 20
8 SILKEY Jason 1326 1297 29 1334 1250 84
9 HALL Leandra M. 1576 1713 137 1799 1678 121
10 REED David 1627 1590 37 1534 1405 129


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.