Peachtree RYC/RJCC & Y8

Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS)

Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 8:00 AM


Suwanee sports academy - Suwanee, GA

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2495 2641 - 2385
5 - 8 2142 2379 - 1937
9 - 13 1699 1884 - 1377

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 HSU, Leah Nellya Fencers B23 2501 2242.76
2 Lisso, Ria Athens Fencing Club D24 2641 2224.62
3 Liu, Hannah Sigma Fencing Academy C24 2454 2192.04
4 Krivosheev, Alexandra Nellya Fencers D24 2385 2132.92
5 Chen, Kevy Sigma Fencing Academy D23 2379 2121.03
6 Kaul, Tara Nellya Fencers E24 2198 1912.10
7 Padanilam, Lily Nellya Fencers D23 2056 1783.94
8 Huang, Neila Forge Fencing Teams DUR D23 1937 1661.59
9 Ellis-Furlong, Ava Forge Fencing Teams DUR D24 1884 1561.89
10 Sebastian, Ava Middle Tennessee Fencing Club D24 1853 1556.14
11 Yadav, Tishya Jacksonville Fencing Club U 1680 1339.31
12 Martin, Evangeline Athens Fencing Club E24 1701 1159.15
13 Wilfret, Katerina Forge Fencing Teams DUR U 1377 1034.30

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!