Arnold Mercado Classic 2022

Senior Mixed Foil

Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 2:00 PM

Phoenix Fencing Academy - Tempe, AZ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 YIN Helen 2504 2509 5 3451 3616 165
2 VACA Ricky 2168 2285 118 2500 2754 254
3 TOLBERT Zoe 3179 3151 28 2774 2852 78
3 BROWN Darius 2041 2048 6 2873 2700 173
5 GOING Nick 2145 2163 18 2388 2431 42
6 MCBRYAN Teresa 3266 3272 6 3007 2833 174
7 FRANK Lauren 2235 2237 2 2380 2421 42
8 CELJO Benjamin 1554 1509 45 1728 1584 143
10 SAUCEDO Fernanda 853 1008 155 2277 1991 285
11 THOGERSEN Eric 2039 1936 103 2921 2496 424
12 SAUCEDO Grecia 1261 1556 295 2079 1863 217
13 DOTEN Austin 2500 1855 645 2500 2302 198
14 SAUCEDO Fernando 1403 1299 104 2239 1974 265
15 MCBRYAN Pamela A. 2033 1856 178 2500 1931 569
16 NICOLACOUDIS Mia 1643 1061 582 2059 1772 287


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.