Colorado Cup #1

Senior Mixed Saber

Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 10:00 AM

Fencing Academy of Denver - Littleton, CO, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 POPE Nico 2778 2771 7 2862 2889 27
2 BEITEL Noah 2531 2547 17 2608 2624 16
3 KILARI Krish 2309 2338 29 2473 2475 2
3 DUDNICK Christian 2106 2112 6 2207 2242 36
5 YODER Bridget 2797 2798 0 2632 2573 59
6 SHERFA Abagaaz 2775 2824 49 3044 3013 32
7 SCHERER Max 2510 2508 3 2387 2390 3
8 DIVITA Mason 1945 2170 225 1743 1787 44
9 CHABENAT Guillaume 2482 2891 409 3328 2598 730
10 HOLMES Emma 2359 2365 6 2309 2183 126
11 ELLS Eddie 2215 2244 29 2223 2214 8
12 FOX Gavin 1900 1907 8 1791 1855 64
13 WANG Nicolas 2500 2484 17 2740 2734 6
14 BONN-ELCHONESS Peter 2092 2097 5 2015 2047 33
15 MEHTA Nalin 1680 1676 4 1728 1751 23
16 ZOLLER Matt 2192 2182 10 2150 2152 2
17 FERGUSON Constantine 1887 1903 16 1744 1723 21
18 ZINNI Gene 1961 1946 14 1743 1646 98
19 YAROSH Stephen 1524 1583 59 2310 2001 309
20 ZARETSKY Arielle 1980 2117 137 1862 1836 26
21 DUDNICK Christian 1891 1792 99 2455 2212 242
22 BLYTH Jourdain 2531 2132 399 3020 2571 449
23 WELCH Bryant 1565 1479 86 1866 1799 67
24 WANG Albert 2500 1404 1096 2500 1863 637
25 ROJAS Alejandro 1344 1317 27 1252 1181 72
26 STRONG Joshua 1616 1576 40 1365 1350 16
27 HENDERSON Taylor 1404 1373 30 2209 2009 201
28 CHO Alyss 2500 1898 602 2500 2335 165
29 RALAPANAWE Anoush 1155 1151 4 2079 1976 104


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.