Boston Fencing Club RJCC

Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME)

Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 8:00 AM


Boston Fencing Club - Boston, MA

Strength distribution

Rank Average Range
1 - 4 2776 2952 - 2657
5 - 8 2452 2639 - 2341
9 - 16 2169 2326 - 2001
17 - 32 1912 2217 - 1731
33 - 39 1587 1782 - 1295

Note: You can compare your strength to the ranges shown above to estimate where you're expected to finish in this event. Of course, strength numbers are not perfect predictors of future performance!


Rank1 Name Club Rating Strength Conservative Estimate2
1 Wu, Jonathan Cavalier Fencing Club A25 2952 2693.05
2 Lai, Aedin Marx Fencing Academy A24 2794 2538.81
3 Trull, A.J. Marx Fencing Academy A24 2701 2446.03
4 Lai, Boden Marx Fencing Academy A24 2657 2405.20
5 wang, justin Cavalier Fencing Club A25 2639 2381.40
6 Ginzburg, Adam Fencing Center Of Chicago A24 2480 2228.37
7 Hu, Robert Medeo Fencing Club A24 2350 2095.48
8 Zhang, Shawn LEO Fencing Club B22 2341 2062.71
9 Santos, Antonio LEO Fencing Club B24 2326 2061.83
10 Singleton, Aman Olympia Fencing Center B24 2278 2026.69
11 Zhang, William Cavalier Fencing Club B24 2294 2008.01
12 Tran, Spencer Cavalier Fencing Club B24 2188 1922.81
13 Santos, Francisco LEO Fencing Club C24 2073 1797.24
14 Zou, Xianyang (Max) Cavalier Fencing Club A24 2069 1783.19
15 Wang, Xiangdong Cavalier Fencing Club B24 2122 1780.38
16 Feng, Du Olympia Fencing Center D23 2001 1726.61
17 Bradshaw, Carter LEO Fencing Club B23 1975 1719.50
18 Koppenheffer, Rowan Boston Fencing Club C24 2037 1715.71
19 Hennessy, Levon Rockland Fencers Club C24 2019 1694.29
20 Zhang, Dinghao Cavalier Fencing Club C23 2046 1670.54
21 Rvachev, Michael Fencing Academy Of Westchester D24 1959 1637.15
22 Glushkov, David Olympia Fencing Center C24 1870 1576.48
23 Shoneman, Sam Ocean State Fencing Club D24 2013 1574.33
24 Zhao, Pierce New York Fencing Academy E24 1904 1564.56
25 Pan, Anthony LEO Fencing Club D24 1784 1522.13
26 Yin, Chujun Cavalier Fencing Club C24 1842 1501.86
27 Dowd, Peter Boston Fencing Club C24 1823 1482.24
28 White, Aidan Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club D24 1813 1434.13
29 Zhang, Jonathan LEO Fencing Club C24 1762 1384.42
30 Siala, Omar Marx Fencing Academy C24 2217 1353.61
31 Ottaviano, Aaron Vivo Fencing Club C24 1731 1342.27
32 Chen, Luowen E24 1800 1321.79
33 Nallicheri, Ayaan Cavalier Fencing Club E24 1590 1185.69
34 Oshima, Robert Marx Fencing Academy D24 1619 1147.95
35 Pessin, Nadav Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club E24 1572 1074.81
36 Mechrefe, Anthony Ocean State Fencing Club U 1525 982.05
37 Nutovych, David E24 1782 857.82
38 Tang, Jeremy Fencers Club Inc. U 1295 < 0
39 Mitsch, Aubrey Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club U 1727 < 0

1 Rank is not based on the typical strength estimate, but on the smaller conservative estimate.

2 Since strength estimates have varying degrees of uncertainty, we're showing the number that we're almost 100% sure about. Fencers with a higher estimate of a lower certainty will rank below some fencers with a lower estimate of a higher certainty. For those statistically inclined, it is the lower boundary of a 99.7% confidence interval of the estimate (i.e., μ - 3σ).

Note: At this time, fencers who have no competition history may be registered, but aren't included on this list. This will change soon!