Purdue Fall Open

Mixed Saber

Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 12:00 PM

Purdue University Lambert Fieldhouse - West Lafayette, IN, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 AKS Ari 3068 3532 464 2500 2333 167
3 BOUKHTIN Maxim 2343 3464 1121 2290 2322 32
3 LAI Yat Hay Casper 3154 2788 366 3115 2921 194
5 JOSLIN Anthony 2500 2641 141 2500 1869 631
6 HONG Justin 1986 1983 3 2500 3011 511
7 HILL Quillan 1901 2888 987 1858 1952 94
8 GERSTMANN Max 2060 2074 14 2254 2250 4
9 HIBINO Uta 1761 1767 6 2071 1981 91
10 GOMEZ Sebastian 2500 2030 470 2500 1707 793
11 SENOGLU Irmak 3117 3067 51 2729 2367 361
12 SCHOON Rebecca 1925 2099 174 2500 2496 4
13 TESTROET Aubrey 1666 2448 781 2759 2681 78
14 VILLEGAS Aidan 1691 1545 147 1858 1950 92
16 FAUGHT Dalton 1469 1563 95 1630 1807 177
17 BARROWS Hunter 1319 1324 5 1394 1360 34
18 SCHWARTZEL Stuart 2500 2051 449 - - -
19 SAFONOV Alex 2500 2037 463 2500 1821 679
20 SPEES Ryan 2500 1808 692 2500 2110 390
21 GREEN Robert 1470 1417 53 2500 2079 421
23 CHIM Mori 2500 1543 957 2500 2052 448
23 HEATH Katy 2500 1633 867 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.