BCAF Mixed Combined Vet Foil & Epee

Veteran Mixed Épée

Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Bucks County Academy of Fencing - Lambertville, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SUPONYA Sergey 2802 2896 94 3611 3700 89
2 COX Matthew T. 2843 2831 12 3072 3264 192
3 FLINT James E. 2235 2279 43 2376 2423 47
3 GAUVEY Ken C. 2118 2163 45 1739 2073 334
5 BARREIRO Darren 2782 2798 15 3030 3026 4
6 HECHT Mark A. 2199 2536 337 1640 1988 347
7 COETZEE Frans M. 2222 2239 17 2342 2354 12
8 O'DOWD Andrew J. 2687 2668 19 2708 2714 6
9 POLANICHKA Nicole P. 3149 3210 61 3108 3113 5
9 ROUSE Joseph (Joe) T. 2098 2122 24 2046 2039 7
11 BUSH Thomas 2618 2594 24 2297 2290 7
12 GAMBINO Robert A. 2255 2290 35 1700 1866 166
13 BEN-YAACOV Shai D. 2334 2366 32 2672 2520 152
14 HUGHES Michael D. 2551 2521 30 2603 2598 4
15 ROLANDO Doc 2447 2324 124 2740 2591 148
16 WOOD William A. 1908 1853 55 2263 2443 180
17 COTLAR Andrew D. 2184 2114 70 2374 2266 108
18 WIESSLER-HUGHES Linda 2077 2075 3 1528 1487 41
19 RIST Rebecca (Beck) J. 2088 2106 18 2500 1940 560
20 TKACH Robert W. 1929 1896 34 2343 2305 37
21 MCGOVERN Patrick 1907 1867 40 2104 1938 167
22 O'REILLY Robert 1450 1477 27 936 931 5
23 MITCHELL Matthew D. 1591 1575 16 1784 1660 124
24 BOWIE Charlotta 1755 1736 19 1502 1414 88
25 LENAR David 2500 1347 1153 2500 2184 316
26 SHULER Judith 2500 1526 974 2500 2187 313


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.