Fencing Center of Chicago RYC/RJCC

Y-14 Men's Saber

Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 11:00 AM

Glenview Park District - Glenview, IL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SIDDIQUI Shayan 2159 2182 22 2516 2546 30
2 KIM Kendrick 1835 1872 37 2433 2450 17
3 CHENHE YuHan 1145 1312 167 1813 2036 223
3 HUA Michael 1687 1703 17 2317 2333 16
5 HIBINO Uta 1767 1838 71 1981 1969 12
6 WELLER Noah 1346 1376 30 1717 1742 26
7 TURNER Benjamin 1460 1438 22 1471 1679 207
8 PARKILA Lukas 1587 1572 15 1898 1910 12
9 WANG Max 2500 1624 876 2500 1688 812
10 ZHU Matthew 2500 1615 885 2500 1601 899
11 BALES Gabriel 2500 1598 902 2500 1886 614
12 GUZIEC Robert 2500 1437 1063 2500 1621 879
13 ZALEVSKY Liam 1806 1487 319 1987 1577 410
14 NARUT Oscar 603 609 6 1512 1414 97
15 HERNANDEZ Eric 705 922 217 1888 1689 199
16 HILL Myles 1050 912 138 1471 1610 139
17 SETH Khalen 810 608 201 1382 1167 215


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.