Morehouse Youth Saber Cup Series #4 (Manhattan)

Y-8 Mixed Saber

Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 3:30 PM

Tim Morehouse Fencing Club - New York City, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WANG Harrison 2500 3315 815 2059 3095 1036
2 CHEN Chloe 1336 1349 13 2168 2590 423
3 KABILING Anika Von Marie 1436 2218 783 1853 1859 6
3 JUNG Theodore 1544 2028 484 2538 2622 85
5 JIA francis 2663 1410 1253 2500 1942 558
6 SABINO Bennett 1309 2632 1323 1843 2080 238
7 HU Simon 1220 2124 904 1931 2121 190
8 FRANTZ Ken 2500 1648 852 2500 2087 413
9 HAO Ryan 3388 2490 899 3331 2771 560
10 LEE Kady 474 2835 2361 2500 2079 421
11 MALUKI Nia 2500 2203 297 2500 1872 628
12 LAMTAN Trinity 1382 2648 1266 2079 1650 430
13 GAO Anita 1106 928 178 2168 1902 266
14 SHAPIRO Sienna 1567 1519 48 1931 1493 437
15 TENNY Sybil 2500 2168 332 2500 1826 674
16 MEROLLA Luca 2605 1948 657 2059 2031 28
17 CONSTANTINE Leonidas 2500 1528 972 2500 1916 584
18 SEMBIRING Maleakhi 1866 1194 672 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.