Manhattan Fencing Tri-State Veteran Saber Event

Veteran Mixed Saber

Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Manhattan Fencing Center - New York City, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BACON Michael 3276 3287 11 3147 3219 73
2 CHU Kevin 2686 2700 13 2948 3036 88
3 DASHNAW Stephen 2950 2935 15 3402 3381 20
3 GRAFF Jon 2340 2275 64 2508 2589 81
5 KOPYLOV Dmitri 3150 3122 28 3616 3563 53
6 BARANOVSKY Valera 2174 2395 221 2379 2301 78
7 COHEN Richard 2394 2260 134 2524 2574 50
8 SAMOTESSOV Vlad 2058 2106 48 2209 2203 7
9 YUNG Wang 2472 2504 33 2877 2809 68
10 CHENG Jonathan 1977 2115 138 1656 1594 62
11 CHO Yutong 1974 1973 1 2274 2151 123
12 KAOURIS George 2352 2352 0 2443 2426 17
13 ZIPPER Michael 2630 2585 45 2661 2651 9
14 SCHULZE Seunghee 2086 2076 10 2103 1996 107
15 DEMING Clare 2525 2531 5 2717 2527 190
16 OBLONSKY Natalia 1925 2005 81 2625 2645 20
17 GLUCK Myriam 2825 2785 40 2638 2621 17
18 DIGENNARO John 1923 1899 25 2079 1826 254
19 ARAFAT Tarek 1098 1118 20 1882 1726 156
20 MICCHELLI Thomas 502 453 49 2500 1766 734


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.