Cal Poly NCIFL 2022-2023 Tournament

Mixed Saber

Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 1:30 PM

Cal Poly Recreation Center: San Luis Obispo, CA - San Luis Obispo, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BAILEY Nate 2154 2161 7 2336 2360 24
2 OCKENFUSS Jeremiah J. 3037 3123 86 1874 1888 14
7 YAMANI Yousuf 1851 1757 94 1562 1431 131
8 CHEN Aaron 1019 1062 44 1485 1463 21
10 TON Kalista 2500 2759 259 2500 2079 421
11 YU Andrew 2500 2619 119 - - -
15 LEE Shane 1104 1097 7 1597 1738 141
16 WALES Madeline 1750 1601 148 - - -
18 ZHANG Simon 2171 1629 541 1855 1451 404
20 WONG Austin 924 748 176 - - -


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.