UCSB Collegiate Open

Mixed Foil

Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Robertson Gym, Main Floor - Santa Barbara, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SHIH William 3270 3271 2 3443 3463 20
2 XIAO Edward 2993 2998 5 3049 3066 17
3 NGUYEN Jett 2500 3139 639 3086 3108 23
3 UZGIRIS Kovas 2260 2267 7 2552 2553 1
5 JAYASEKARA Hiran 2871 2882 12 3153 3132 21
6 CHEN Cynthia 2909 2914 5 2500 2079 421
7 LAI Christopher 2708 2704 4 2834 2837 2
9 SOHN Christopher 3363 3367 5 - - -
10 GOLDADE Luke 2468 2485 17 2644 2635 10
12 MEDVIDOVIC Pavle 2017 2063 46 2074 2046 28
13 KALOPER Sofia 2938 2685 253 3022 2754 268
14 JORDON Kaleb 2552 2545 7 2717 2706 12
15 REDDINGTON Aidan 2329 2325 4 2818 2783 35
16 OCKENFUSS Jeremiah 2466 2396 70 2367 2396 28
17 WEBER Elias 2012 1659 353 1798 1605 192
18 TON Kalista 2368 2344 24 - - -
20 WALBERT Charlotte 2240 2206 34 1807 1650 157
21 LIN Lydia Jing 2500 2585 85 - - -
24 LEI William 1190 1577 387 - - -
25 OH Justin 2147 1806 341 - - -
28 ADUG Mathew 2195 2075 120 - - -
30 LEE Alex 1377 1322 56 - - -
36 WEN James 1046 857 189 - - -
40 LIU Yvonne 875 867 8 - - -


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.