Manhattan Fencing Center Saber Liberty Cup and Y8

E & Under Mixed Saber

Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 2:15 PM

Manhattan Fencing Center - New York, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BONETTI Brayden 1957 1973 16 2548 2568 20
2 LIM Brandon 1625 1642 17 1858 1957 99
3 HE Bowen 1943 1958 16 1786 1816 30
3 FORMENTI Giulio 2267 2301 34 2681 2587 94
5 HARATSCH William 1337 1631 294 1345 1164 181
6 POLSTER Joshua 2868 2227 642 2711 2100 610
7 SRAGOW Noah 3287 2017 1271 3314 2736 577
8 SHU Richard 991 1029 38 1746 1813 66
9 ARORA Pranav 1226 1185 41 1479 1437 42
10 LOO Jason 1667 1673 6 1843 1841 2
11 SUBA Lucas 2500 1478 1022 2500 1634 866
12 LIM Alexa J. 2093 1966 127 2168 1793 375
13 SAMSON-ALSTON Mackenzie 1733 1938 205 2401 2244 156
14 BANERJEE Eshani 2500 1969 531 2500 2079 421
15 NOYER Hannah 1688 1966 278 2079 2504 424
16 DIGIACOMO Dennis G. 1415 1388 27 1418 1410 8
17 SIMPAO Kiara 2500 1375 1125 2500 2079 421
18 MIRIYALA Shradha 2500 1701 799 2500 1931 569


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.