Pacific Northwest Cup (Div 3 Epee)

Div III Mixed Épée

Saturday, March 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Northwest Fencing Center - Tigard, OR, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 STRUGAR Marcus A. 2500 1824 676 2500 3335 835
2 KRYLTSOV Greg 1802 1842 40 1886 1936 50
3 CLINEFELTER Dennis S. 2320 2353 33 2515 2510 5
3 SKYWARK Andrew 2508 2254 254 2317 2152 165
5 CRAIG Whitman 2500 2544 44 2500 2051 449
6 BREILING Niklas 1758 1812 54 2057 2035 22
7 JACKSON Owen 1196 1149 47 1622 1566 56
8 NASON Amelia 2211 2299 88 2408 2189 219
9 DEMEAUX Gregory 1921 1879 42 2500 1894 606
10 GLATZ Alesia 1707 1720 12 3041 2870 172
11 LEON GUERRERO Gabriel Jesus 1515 1404 110 1603 1441 162
12 BROWN Diego 2500 1076 1424 2500 2079 421
13 SHIN Soorim 895 839 56 2500 2293 207


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.