Youth and Novice Unsanctioned Epee/Saber

Y-12 Mixed Saber

Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 2:30 PM

Premier Fencing Alliance - Marietta, GA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
2 BURGESS Beckham 2500 1321 1179 1725 2034 309
3 POWERS Langley 860 954 94 1379 1414 35
3 CALLAHAN Arrow 1465 3138 1673 2921 1793 1128
5 STANLEY Garance 1515 1432 83 3069 2707 363
6 BURGESS Brees 852 882 31 1089 957 133
7 POWERS Waverly 2500 875 1625 - - -
8 SHERIDAN William 2500 1110 1390 2500 1671 829
9 HUSSEY-LOVATT Asa 2500 516 1984 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.