CT High School Junior 3 Weapon tournament

Junior Mixed Foil

Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 12:00 PM

Sword in the Scroll Fencing Academy - Willimantic, CT, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MCDERMOTT Catherine 1429 1464 35 3069 3274 205
2 GROTH Caleb 1037 1208 171 1217 1742 525
3 BELLIVEAU Emmett Sparrow S. 2500 2998 498 2500 1592 908
3 PARK Daniel 2500 1010 1490 2921 2496 424
5 PHANTHARANGSY Ariel 2500 1453 1047 2500 2079 421
6 SEILS Aether 2500 1465 1035 2500 1474 1026


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.