Pre- Sunshine Games Tournament

Div II Mixed Épée

Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 1:30 PM

Epee Miami Fencing Club - Miami Spring, FL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 OSBORN Hunter 2069 2079 10 2217 2280 63
2 ECHEVARRIA Axel 2610 2236 374 2330 2542 212
3 HERNANDEZ Santiago 1812 1834 22 2162 2178 16
3 CARTY Johndale 1978 1998 19 2208 2207 1
5 BRILLA Steffano 2569 2598 29 2155 2117 39
6 ZAHRAN Aiden 1786 1798 12 2180 2155 24
7 DE LA CRUZ Justin 1598 2099 502 2107 1984 122
8 BRILLA Anghella 2057 2048 9 2359 2435 76
9 DUARTE-GARCIA Zoya 2160 2162 2 2407 2387 19
10 DAVIS Jonah 2279 2255 23 2153 2144 9
11 RODRíGUEZ MOREL Cristian 1623 1662 39 1806 1565 241
12 DAVIS Kelly 1372 1355 16 1595 1565 30
13 EMDEN Brian 1721 1641 81 1530 1464 66
14 DAVIS Elisabeth 1312 1303 9 1490 1481 8
15 HART Jenna 1411 1480 69 1446 1425 21
16 DAVIS Shanna 1337 1332 5 2244 2102 142
17 COLON Pedro 1968 1720 248 2500 1823 677
18 VARGAS Gabriel 1183 1105 78 2500 1437 1063


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.