Wasatch Fencing 40th Anniversary Tournament

Senior Mixed Saber

Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 3:30 PM

Wasatch Fencing - Kaysville, UT, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KOTOV Leonid 2645 2657 12 2989 3009 20
2 LE Long 1787 1861 75 1958 2089 131
3 DELISLE Jonas 1969 2206 236 2180 2144 36
3 ASHBY Ethan J. 2617 2627 10 2873 2870 3
5 BRIAR Jade 2750 2883 133 2500 2706 206
6 LAHAUG Ethan 2500 2135 365 2500 2382 118
7 THOMSON Hyrum 2500 2050 450 2500 2262 238
8 HENDRICKS Ron 2500 1745 755 2500 2462 38
9 BECK Herman 2500 2474 26 2500 2079 421
10 WHITESIDES Scott 1716 1789 73 2109 1859 250
11 ALLAN Pete 1925 1827 99 1660 1560 99
12 FEENEY Michael 1409 1360 49 2079 1606 474
13 FERGUSON Aliya 1720 1639 81 1507 1408 100
14 GRAVIS Martin 1102 1062 40 1208 1202 6
15 LITTLE Alex 2500 1399 1101 2500 2147 353


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.