Cardinal Fencing Academy Grand Opening

Y-12 Mixed Épée

Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 12:00 PM

Cardinal Fencing Academy - Sterling, VA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 CHO Alex 1020 1200 180 1826 2139 313
2 BURT Emmalyne Grace 1105 1143 37 1551 1602 51
3 GATEWOOD Michael 1034 1094 60 1458 1570 112
3 MIKHAIL Lucas 1611 1664 53 2240 2273 34
5 FENG Xinmin 784 792 8 1248 1300 52
6 BORAN Brooks 1100 1084 16 1393 1519 125
7 WU Jiachen 999 996 3 1767 1774 7
8 STRAFFORD Andrew 670 670 0 1019 1189 170
9 BANG Dylan 1056 1378 322 1279 977 301
10 SILVA Zavier 2500 1428 1072 2500 1626 874
11 MILLER Xavier 929 960 31 1292 1254 38
12 MCCABE Zachary 883 924 41 1266 1163 104
13 SMITH Noah 602 469 133 1662 1428 234
14 SELTZER Lane 1360 1328 32 1669 1379 291
15 CHAN Ian 369 388 18 1079 1029 50
16 FEELY Benjamin 617 567 50 1254 1431 177
17 MCMURTRAY James 2500 571 1929 2500 1458 1042
18 ROZHAVSKY Arianna 2500 955 1545 2500 2079 421
19 BURT Jonathan Parker 575 396 179 1939 1569 370


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.