Fight Strong! Fencing for the Cause

Unrated Mixed Foil

Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Hosted at Corsair Fencing - Pittsburgh, PA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LI RunLin 1482 1535 53 1385 2078 694
2 GELLAD Luke 1809 1603 205 2474 2357 116
3 GAVARRETE Moises 1147 1221 73 978 1309 331
3 TARCHICHI Robby 1907 2026 119 1840 1782 58
5 ECHNAT Izzy 1323 1397 74 1538 1499 39
6 MISHRA Roshan 871 1099 229 1224 1094 131
7 RIALE Toren 1348 1307 40 1694 1624 71
8 NOSIK Gabriel 1163 1213 50 1604 1529 76
9 ZAHALSKY Ezra 2041 2091 50 2351 2276 75
10 QIU Clytie 2500 1670 830 2500 2168 332
11 DRIVER Holden 1755 1267 488 1325 1195 130
12 DRIVER Jonah 1298 965 332 1291 986 304
13 DESOUSA BALLESTEROS Carolina 2500 2052 448 2500 2146 354
14 MILLER Opal 1429 957 473 2273 1794 479
15 FORNEY Cadence 2500 1480 1020 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.