Adrenaline Super Cup

Mixed Saber

Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 9:30 AM

Indoor Soccer Pro - MIAMI, FL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BECKER William 3200 3203 3 3579 3593 14
2 VARGAS Jet 2925 2376 549 2745 2912 167
3 GUREVICH Ben 1947 1962 15 2282 2289 7
6 STAPLETON Lindsay 3437 3472 35 2939 3171 232
7 STORER Julian 1827 1859 32 1799 1818 18
8 HARRINGTON Connor 1702 1735 33 1133 1331 198
9 HUTTON Sawyer 1442 1592 150 1675 1661 14
10 GUREVICH Savely 1779 1795 16 1731 1702 29
11 BETOLLI Maurizio 1073 1465 393 2234 1820 414
12 TISSONE Veronica 2828 2718 110 2566 2706 140
13 GALOR Ariel 1735 1644 91 1969 2088 119
14 PEREZ Nicolas S 1817 1806 11 1889 1909 21
15 FERBER Kenneth 1058 1461 403 2079 2504 424
16 BLAIR III Ray H. 1920 1874 46 2186 2220 34
17 LODGE Logan 1466 1423 43 2442 2136 306
18 DU PLESSIS Martin 2500 1450 1050 2500 1931 569
19 ZENG Aaron 1511 1114 396 1890 1572 319
20 BERNARDIN Sebastien 1962 1663 298 2128 1868 260
20 RUBI Bryan 2500 1119 1381 2500 2027 473


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.