Friday Night Fight Open Mixed Foil Walk N' Roll

Senior Mixed Foil

Friday, October 6, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Denver Fencing Center - Denver, CO, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LEE Jayden J. 1869 1903 34 2124 2189 65
2 WILLIAMS Joshua (Josh) D. 3008 2797 211 2823 2749 74
3 CLAYMAN John A. 2332 2337 5 2937 2914 24
3 GRAY Caidan 1547 1574 27 1936 2011 75
5 LUTTON Thomas (Tom) W. 2325 2307 18 2669 2644 25
6 ARCHIBALD Ian 1205 1234 29 1503 1547 44
7 WANG Emma 1544 1547 3 1765 1780 16
8 SALAZAR JOHNSON NIBIRU AZUL 1691 1475 216 2112 2129 16
9 BARANOWSKI Philip 1738 1754 16 2334 2187 147
10 STOY Patrick 1105 1125 20 1447 1324 123
10 REIFF Mathilda 1990 1980 10 1312 1175 137
12 LIM Marcus 920 933 13 656 646 10
13 CLAYBORN II Marvin 2500 1250 1250 2500 2029 471
14 CHEUNG Ting Terrance 510 495 15 1035 1032 3
15 ROUSH Rowynn 718 707 10 2437 2341 96


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.