SoCal 6-Weapon Div II (C and under) with Consolation

Div II Mixed Foil

Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 8:15 AM

Westlake High School Gymnasium - Los Angeles, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 PARK Sky 2251 2240 11 2389 2455 66
2 SOHN Christopher 3367 3373 6 3602 3546 56
3 BRISLAWN Reilly R. 2516 2580 64 2600 2702 102
3 KIM Aiden 2166 2185 19 2250 2251 1
5 BAE Eugene 1956 2027 70 1892 1898 6
6 PINCHENG Yao 2032 2051 20 2183 2189 7
7 MCCOSH Evin M. 2336 2343 6 2550 2575 26
8 MEDVIDOVIC Pavle 2076 2057 19 2029 2068 39
9 AU Marcus J. 2500 2890 390 2500 1767 733
10 JORDON Kaleb W. 2511 2499 12 2600 2577 23
11 MORALES Ian N. 2568 2553 15 2772 2751 21
12 PARK Brandon 1823 1883 60 1895 1928 32
13 BELTRANSOLORZANO Jared 1807 1813 5 2215 2228 12
14 LI Serena 2500 2763 263 2921 2741 179
15 LEE Mason 1400 1428 28 1571 1634 63
16 YORK Lucas 1595 1598 3 1745 1719 26
17 LEE Ka Ying Susanna 2253 2222 31 2500 1914 586
18 CHOY Benedict W. 1381 1396 14 1411 1362 48
19 THOMPSON Griffin G. 1922 1955 33 2500 2079 421
20 DONE Harris 2500 1806 694 2500 1851 649
21 CHEN Brian 1762 1736 27 1647 1632 15
22 WHARTON David 1933 1915 18 1940 1903 37
23 MARTINEZ Jesse 2500 1483 1017 2500 1912 588
24 GUO Hairuo 1759 1725 35 1472 1468 4
25 CHUNG Joshua 2500 954 1546 2500 1981 519
26 CADENA Anneli 1729 1719 10 2500 2243 257
27 YOUNG Luke 1463 1420 44 1980 1913 67


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.