CFC Foil

E & Under Mixed Foil

Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Chesapeake Fencing Club - Towson, MD, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ZAIDI Adil 1694 1732 38 1604 1670 67
2 LEE Ethan 1755 1784 29 1666 1676 10
3 LIAO Olivia 2202 2211 9 2683 2661 23
3 NICUDEMUS Bryella 1128 1126 2 2830 2656 174
5 METZ Mason 2500 2046 454 2836 2341 494
6 LEE Hans 1204 1243 39 1284 1405 121
7 LICHTI Josheb 1231 1283 52 1582 1598 16
8 SHAW Spencer 1435 1442 7 1665 1664 1
9 GRAHAM Asa 2668 2249 419 2500 2066 434
10 CHEN Christopher 2500 2028 472 2500 2005 495
11 MATZ Cameron 1154 1150 4 1769 1548 221
12 GAADER JP 1725 1698 27 1706 1618 89
13 GALVAN Omar 1083 1390 307 2079 1698 382
14 MARKERT Delaney 1879 1966 87 2027 1893 134
15 STANSBURY Desmond 657 749 92 973 1078 105
16 DESHIELDS Benjamin 1138 1222 84 1743 1671 72
17 DONOHUE Peter 2500 1425 1075 2500 1778 722
18 HU Eric 811 814 3 1314 1007 307
19 LEITCH Jeffry 2500 1115 1385 2500 2029 471
20 LEWIS-STULL Grant 2500 964 1536 2500 1726 774
21 HUAN Ryan 2500 688 1812 2500 1988 512
22 ANAND Nikhil 2500 662 1838 2500 1931 569


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.