SAS Saber #2: Y10, Y12, Y14, Junior, Open

Y-14 Mixed Saber

Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WANG Tina 1669 1671 3 2928 2974 46
2 NAIR Sujit 1279 1322 43 1711 1879 168
3 ENGLE Aidric 1631 1639 8 1646 1706 60
3 BECK Mica 1146 1176 30 1752 1726 27
5 HOLMES Xavier 1450 1457 7 2384 2363 21
6 BRUCE Anthony 1139 1176 37 1300 1266 34
7 KREMER Gaius 1256 1181 75 1835 1648 187
8 MALLARI Joaquin 831 882 50 1672 1631 41
9 BEELER Parker 3250 2043 1208 2079 1589 491
10 YANG Caroline 1409 1404 5 2439 2378 61
11 CHIU Philippa 1609 1593 16 1986 1913 74
12 JOHNSON Jack 618 522 96 2079 1879 200
13 BRENNAN Annabelle 2500 2680 180 2500 1905 595
14 PEARSON Misia 788 775 13 1986 1815 171
15 NELSON Henry 1346 913 433 2500 1614 886


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.