CFFA Season Opener

Div III Mixed Foil

Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 12:30 PM

Tileston Gym - Wilmington, NC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 GUEVARRA Gerhard V. 2380 2398 17 2437 2481 44
2 CLICK Tristan 1751 1778 27 2268 2278 10
3 GUEVARRA Gabriel (Gabe) W. 1799 1821 22 2072 2050 22
5 GUEVARRA Isabelle C. 1670 1674 4 2662 2589 73
6 KARNAVAS William 1760 1746 14 2196 2139 57
7 SIERS David M. 961 1043 82 1126 1320 194
8 HEARTY Kai 1560 1666 106 2176 2146 30
9 ODEA Ryan 1296 1312 16 2628 2233 395
10 DAVIS Walter 1962 1456 506 1826 1296 530
11 SALKIND Edward M. 1224 1167 57 1319 1259 60
12 KUBE Lily 1210 1180 30 1990 1889 100
13 KNOSKY Thomas 1399 1236 162 2859 2361 499
14 GREEN Mesha 967 1039 72 1769 1717 52
15 MORKOS Elinor 952 940 11 - - -
16 MILLER Debi 654 595 59 2500 2319 181


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.