Premier Fencing Sanctioned Unrated Saber and Unsanctioned Youth Saber

Unrated Mixed Saber

Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Premier Fencing Alliance - Marietta, GA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 NAMGOONG Jin 2500 2773 273 2500 3188 688
2 SULLIVAN Axyl 1405 1708 303 1446 1963 517
3 MILLER Kevin "Chase" 1106 2465 1359 1868 2070 202
3 GOOTY Shravan 1384 1604 220 1374 1557 183
5 SERVAT Javier 2500 1578 922 2500 1794 706
6 PINNIGER David 1030 1072 42 1684 1625 60
7 SAULINSKAS Dylan 728 721 7 1628 1665 37
8 SAHADEVAN Turner 663 962 298 1879 2074 196
9 CHARD Ethan 2500 633 1867 2500 1828 672
10 BERNSTEIN Leo 2500 1006 1494 2500 1728 772
11 BOHNSTEDT John 1406 978 428 1728 1392 336
12 STEWART Sarah 1151 968 183 1832 1664 168


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.