Manchen Friday Night "D & Under" Foil

Div III Mixed Foil

Friday, November 3, 2023 at 6:15 PM

Manchen Academy of Fencing - Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MCLAUGHLIN Ryan 2267 2291 25 2174 2298 124
2 HU Alan 1847 1862 15 1637 1742 105
3 MUNDAHL Brandon 2156 2141 15 2012 2040 28
3 MURPHY Damian 1735 1713 21 1914 1922 9
5 MATTOS Luis Felipe 1657 1689 32 1816 1806 10
6 SICAT Justin 1506 1534 28 1749 1758 9
7 BASILE Gianna 1788 1800 12 1857 1871 15
8 MARTIN Mason 1601 1605 4 1808 1808 0
9 NIECHWADOWICZ Michael 1810 1818 9 1696 1681 15
10 GARDOS Noah 1593 1611 18 1704 1654 50
11 POLEBOYINA Amrit 1384 1398 14 1431 1419 12
12 DIPAOLO Julia 1605 1603 2 1867 1847 20
13 YU Alexander 1530 1499 31 1916 1822 94
14 BAI Yuji 2500 1440 1060 2500 1816 684
15 HATZOGLU Isabella 1912 1878 34 1906 1936 31
16 CHINN Callum 1190 1204 15 1162 1267 105
17 PEREZ Logan 1415 1402 13 1642 1580 62
18 OLAWOYE Jadesola 1163 1227 64 1533 1473 61
19 MUNDAHL Morgan 1927 1809 117 1531 1509 22
20 HWANG Chanel 1741 2264 523 2500 2079 421
21 CULLEN Alyssa 1305 1280 25 1916 1544 372
22 COMO Gabriella 1292 1279 13 1182 1166 16


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.