Turkey Day Slay at NKFA

Senior Mixed Épée

Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 2:30 PM

NKFA Salle - Ludlow, KY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MANAUGH Guy 2131 2141 9 2801 2839 38
2 EDWARDS Tim 2384 2378 6 2530 2593 63
3 KALAPASEV Nenad (Ned) (Ned) S. 2803 2813 11 2632 2595 36
3 BETTS Jr Anthony P. 2086 2099 13 2531 2507 24
5 ELDRIDGE Darrell 2150 2172 22 3309 3387 78
6 MILLER Zach 1794 1815 21 2084 2107 23
7 STAUBITZ Marc 1382 1376 7 1361 1352 8
8 CROSS Ryan 2005 1885 119 2414 2333 81
9 WRIGHT Dylan E. 1931 1896 35 - - -
10 PIERCE Marcia M. 1888 1897 10 2686 2325 361
11 KENNEDY Sam 785 752 33 1837 1557 281
12 LEWTON Grace 2543 2603 60 2293 2274 19
13 ROGERS Reeves 1502 1521 19 1964 1854 110
14 WHITMAN Abigail 2843 2320 523 2519 2342 177
15 DUTTON Kitty 1259 1227 32 1449 1443 6


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.