Manhattan Fencing Center Saber Liberty Cup

Y-8 Mixed Saber

Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 11:15 AM

Manhattan Fencing Center - New Yortk, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SOERENSEN Henrik 1103 1666 563 2496 2761 265
2 LAMTAN Trinity 1210 1287 77 2216 2261 44
3 SILVERZWEIG Conrad 1592 1512 79 2079 2504 424
3 MUKHERJEE Rohan 2500 2027 473 2500 2037 463
5 CHOI Isabelle 1095 1235 140 2500 1878 622
6 LEE Kady 665 778 113 1832 1664 168
7 KANG Hanna 2500 923 1577 2500 1849 651
8 BARAKH Sophia 2500 625 1875 2921 2134 787
9 MERZLYAKOV Mikhail 2500 1159 1341 2500 2079 421
11 LEE William 1510 1429 81 2500 1931 569


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.