MFA Y8, Y10, Y12, Senior (unrated only) - All foil

Y-12 Mixed Foil

Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 11:30 AM

Marin Fencing Academy - San Rafael, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 GUO Joey 1293 1296 3 1694 1732 38
2 LEE Abigail 1178 1186 8 1431 1443 12
3 EVANS Desmond 1550 1567 17 1987 1955 33
3 KO Ian 510 805 295 1206 1555 349
5 ALVAREZ Francisco Janusz 1324 1331 7 1594 1575 20
6 BACH-Y-RITA MC 569 765 196 1548 1566 18
7 GOLDSTEIN Benjamin 887 926 39 1401 1493 92
8 KIM Natalie 1046 1078 32 1354 1403 49
9 YU Xintong 2500 2556 56 2500 1616 884
10 CHEUNG Henry 623 630 7 1361 1380 19
11 KIM Parker 604 635 31 1879 1709 170
12 SARANGAN Ovia 505 536 31 2921 2336 585
13 WARBURTON Eleanor 248 386 139 981 846 135
14 FADEL Jasmin 2500 1602 898 2921 2475 446
15 KHAIRUL ANWAR Rania Yasmin 752 717 35 1096 1156 60
16 LIN Avery 775 682 92 2152 1977 175
17 JUE Lucas 656 627 29 2500 1783 717
18 KATZ Danielle 1011 1244 233 1446 1029 417
19 HSU Liam 2500 655 1845 2500 2079 421
20 NGUYEN Nolan 659 640 18 2380 2160 220
21 KO Cameron 960 939 21 2500 2079 421
22 ALNAGGAR Ali 522 638 116 1647 1427 220
23 DONALD Milton Kozak 2500 274 2226 2500 1439 1061
24 PARK Gian 625 619 5 1346 1277 70
25 STERNAD Pia 2500 1196 1304 2500 1407 1093
26 LIN Stewart 684 638 46 1121 1059 62


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.