2024 BFC Youth Series 2

Unrated Y-12 Mixed Épée

Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 2:30 PM

Boston Fencing Club - Boston, MA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ZHU Una 2688 2648 40 1941 1969 28
2 SZCZAPA Lukas 1482 1481 1 1843 1976 133
3 SONG Aidan 1399 1412 13 1924 1917 7
3 MA Brendon 1187 1207 20 1576 1615 39
5 LEE Harrison 1310 1331 21 1877 1899 22
6 SHI Evan 631 678 47 979 953 26
7 CHEN Tianjun 943 984 40 1246 1275 30
8 ORDORICA Abra 2490 2437 53 2430 2349 81
9 BOYLE Bridget 2500 2668 168 2500 1712 788
10 MANSFIELD Hunter 1084 1118 34 2358 2042 316
11 SONKU Mira 1346 1323 24 1791 1617 174
12 YOON Jonathan 830 851 21 1432 1428 3
13 FAUCHER James 2500 997 1503 2500 1876 624
14 SILVERSTONE Ryan 2500 1072 1428 2500 1939 561
15 MCGANN Grant 804 780 24 1249 1277 28
17 DAI Jason 1214 1196 18 - - -
18 HOLBROOK Silas 1079 1056 23 1155 938 217
19 WILLIAMS Gavin 815 781 34 1634 1620 14
20 PINCIROLI Tommaso 1025 940 86 1422 1336 87
21 LI Jayden 806 761 45 1566 1427 139
22 CIANCHETTA David 760 669 91 1877 1436 440


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.