F.A.P. (Main Line) Youth 12, 14, Unrated & D3 Sabre

Unrated Y-12 Mixed Saber

Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Kaiserman JCC - Havertown, PA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SHRESTHA Arya 2500 2921 421 3245 3413 168
2 ROMBERG Teddy 2131 2140 10 2176 2860 685
3 KORZENIOWSKI Joey 2500 2225 275 2500 2821 321
3 TIAN Evan 1910 2100 190 2187 2508 321
5 ERFER Jacob 2165 1814 352 2079 1747 332
6 HAMM Bennett 1780 1944 164 2019 1809 209
7 FAZELINIA Erfaan 2171 2061 110 3134 2906 228
8 TIAN Alex 1600 1439 161 2805 2401 403
9 WEBNER Sarah 2003 2209 206 1959 1748 211
10 UNDERWOOD Jameson 1790 1797 7 1704 1664 41
11 PARMAR Lekh 2500 2079 421 2500 1867 633


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.