NYFA Youth Cup #3

Y-10 Mixed Épée

Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM

NYFA Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SAAKIANTS Ilana 1521 1528 7 2104 2193 89
3 CHEN Laila 1203 1305 102 1827 1792 35
5 FULAY Sophia 2977 1583 1394 2500 2151 349
6 YANG Julian 1659 1880 221 2702 3008 306
8 BERENSHTEYN Gabriella 2467 2520 53 1630 1970 340
9 KIM Eugene 1671 1446 225 2500 1701 799
11 TANG Jayce 767 730 37 2500 2115 385
12 FANG Madeline 1180 912 267 2500 2079 421
13 CHEN Reina 1803 1630 172 - - -
14 CHEN Regis 662 677 15 2500 2057 443
16 HWANG Chase 1608 1500 108 1382 1650 267
17 BERRY Santiago 912 863 49 1384 1175 208


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.