CO Youth Cup #3

Y-12 Mixed Foil

Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 12:30 PM

South Denver Fencing Academy - Centennial, CO, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WARD Spencer 1005 1092 87 1655 1811 156
2 MINN Nathan 933 944 11 1764 1816 51
3 COLLINS Payton 1212 1033 179 1660 1672 12
3 VALENCIA Anthony N. 1132 1120 11 1822 1828 7
5 VALENCIA Beryn L. 1085 1128 43 1576 1540 36
6 CHEN Avery 1283 1286 2 1438 1387 50
7 SGOUROS Keane 1278 1102 177 2215 1800 415
8 LEE Lauren Jinju 2028 1982 46 2463 2295 168
9 ROTHSCHILD Jonah 389 415 26 2425 2050 375
10 SCHWABAUER Emilia 1751 1614 137 2500 1946 554
11 ZHANG Noah 771 734 36 1235 1096 139
12 MARTURANO Leo 714 658 56 1138 1103 35


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.