January Fenceathon

Y-12 Mixed Saber

Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 9:30 AM

The Fencing Center - san jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SRIVATSAV Ishaan 1546 1541 4 1824 1863 39
2 CHANG Annette 1504 1511 7 1772 1876 104
3 SRIVATSAV Anay 1328 1317 11 1728 1752 24
3 THOMAS Liam 890 941 51 1557 1675 119
5 VENKATRAMAN Sushil 1036 1056 20 1345 1355 10
6 WANG James 906 922 17 1612 1602 10
7 LEE Laon 1365 1386 21 1517 1430 87
8 XU Ethan 1038 1044 5 1452 1397 56
9 DUFF Caitlin 895 996 100 2806 2489 317
10 ELSAYED Yahia 875 958 83 2500 1902 598
11 YU Albert 324 414 90 1262 1217 45
12 DUFF Michael 725 707 18 1363 1355 8
13 CHEN Sean 2500 1322 1178 2500 1540 960
14 BACKES Anastasia 931 926 5 2485 2325 160
15 TAN Daniel 737 675 61 1680 1636 44
16 LIN Rongxuan 835 778 57 1554 1550 4
17 LEE Jadyn 1010 933 77 1570 1295 275
18 LUO Gavin 348 259 89 1021 979 42
19 HWANG Zachary 520 461 60 2500 1933 567
20 PARK Gian 732 541 191 2500 2079 421
20 HULL Brandtley 429 326 103 1500 1233 267


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.