January Fenceathon

Div III Mixed Foil

Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 8:00 AM

The Fencing Center - san jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ANDRADE Cedric 1288 1308 20 1585 1667 82
2 NISHIHIRA Tyler 1614 1638 24 1714 1742 28
3 LEHTINEN Axel 1403 1404 1 1491 1530 39
3 MARTIN Lucas 1244 1175 69 1455 1430 25
5 COONAN Seamus 1314 1315 2 1514 1490 24
6 ARCARA Evan 1002 1043 41 1345 1302 43
7 MANIKTALA Suvir 1411 1387 24 1732 1719 13
8 TIKHONOVA Sofia 1617 1628 11 2669 2558 112
9 LIANG Ethan 1195 1220 25 2165 1900 265
10 BHANOT Arjun 516 641 125 869 830 39
11 TIKHONOVA Vasilisa 1419 1427 8 3011 2859 152
12 CHOI Andrew 887 811 75 983 908 74
13 SHU Eric 553 579 26 964 922 42
14 WILLEY Emerson 1190 1176 14 1471 1435 36
15 URSU Oana M. 1202 1105 97 2032 2310 279
16 ANDRICH Allen 2500 683 1817 2500 1703 797
17 BAUMAN Nicholas 441 400 41 842 831 12
18 MERRIGAN Annabelle 2500 1540 960 2500 1858 642


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.