2024 Linkmeyer Invitational

Senior Mixed Saber

Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 2:00 PM

USC PED North Gym - Los Angeles, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 HO Ian 2631 2747 117 3595 3786 191
2 LEVITT Teddy H. 2704 3045 341 2079 3003 923
3 BRISLAWN Reilly R. 2794 2795 1 2512 2528 16
3 GILSHTEYN Jacob 2067 2074 7 2368 2374 6
5 ZHONG Xuan 1934 1968 33 1936 1941 6
6 GINIS Nathan 2733 2688 46 3020 3007 13
7 BLANCO Matt 1513 1767 254 2318 2575 257
8 GARDNER David 1815 1789 26 1883 1928 45
9 WEINBERG Harry 1833 1858 24 2162 2127 35
10 IMSANDE Dylan 2500 2408 92 2500 2009 491
11 SORKIN Jude 1984 1874 110 1792 1717 75
12 SEELMAN Cole 1112 1146 34 1476 1459 17
13 YAMANI Yousuf 1711 1729 18 1073 1051 22
14 LEE Bona 2500 1429 1071 2500 1968 532
15 BERRY Sophia 812 908 96 1358 1635 277
16 WENDERFER Ronen 2500 1010 1490 2500 2317 183
17 TRAUTENBERG Lauren 2500 1145 1355 2500 2079 421
18 YIN Ruoqi 1646 1541 105 2500 1537 963


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.