Nazlymov Mixed Saber Tournament-Unsanctioned

Y-12 Mixed Saber

Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Nazlymov Fencing - Bethesda, MD, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ARTETA-CHEVALIER Ulysse 975 1010 35 1690 1724 33
3 PISTILLI James 935 911 24 1168 1108 60
3 TAK Kion 576 689 113 - - -
6 ROTHMAN Nicole 2112 2508 396 - - -
9 UPADAY vir 2500 687 1813 - - -
10 UPADAY Kabir 2500 1204 1296 - - -


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.